
My dev environment

When I started my programming journey, I saw that each course / textbook / online class I browsed, they would have a suggested set of tools and stack. Even during my masters, the Python programming course organiser had a set of tools, which btw, were not my “cup of tea”.

Java strikes back!

Java was supposed to be the first programming language I would learn. I remember it was around 2013 when I had the idea about learning how to program. As a good newbie, I downloaded the official Java development kit (JDK) and then… I never really got around it, until now 2022

The path to Linux via …

So this is me updating this blog from my Linux machine. It’s an old laptop from around 2014 that I bought for finishing my bachelor’s thesis. So far so good, yet not quite the same as doing this from Windows. It’s been a fun adventure.