
Dvorak what?

It’s been quite sometime that I have been fiddling with the idea of learning Dvorak. When I learned typewriting and touch typing in school, QWERTY was the only one in use. This month I have started learning Dvorak and I’m looking forward to destroy/enhance my muscle memory.

Problems, opportunities …

Last week my beloved Ubuntu MATE development environment exhibited many signals of decay. I found out the laptop’s hard drive is faulting - no wonder, it’s an old laptop with a mechanical hard drive. This post briefly summarizes my thoughts on how I am venturing to install an SSD on my …

The scientific computing …

This seems to be a festive season and I decided to give my fresh Linux OS a new programming language: Julia. I heard of it during my MSc, but I never took the time to dig in deeper in the language. Here are my first impressions of Julia.